ISO Initiatives
Nihon Superior has been fully certified by ISO9001 and ISO14001.
ISO9001 (Quality Management Systems)
Quality Policy
We shall construct systems to manufacture products that meet customers’ demands, by observing the laws, promptly and economically, in accordance with ISO14001, and achieve customer satisfaction by continuous improvement.
We shall construct systems to manufacture products that meet customers’ demands, by observing the laws, promptly and economically, in accordance with ISO14001, and achieve customer satisfaction by continuous improvement.
Quality Objectives
We shall aim at manufacture of products with high quality, competitive price, and short lead-time, and pursue higher levels of customer satisfaction.
We shall aim at manufacture of products with high quality, competitive price, and short lead-time, and pursue higher levels of customer satisfaction.
●We shall construct and maintain the quality management system in accordance with ISO9001:2008.
●Staff members at all levels of the Quality Organization shall conduct quality activities in accordance with the quality management system.
●We shall familiarize all of our business establishments with the importance of satisfying customers’ needs and the legal requirements called for by laws and regulations.
●All personnel involved in quality activities shall assume obligation to follow this quality policy.
●In order to accomplish this quality policy, we shall set up an annual goal.
●We shall review this quality policy in order to maintain its appropriateness.
Tetsuro Nishimura,
President Nihon Superior Co., Ltd.

Commitment to quality
Perpetual quest for superior products:The endless challenges.
Although Nihon Superior’s products are already highly regarded by our many customers we realize that we cannot “rest on our laurels”. The needs of our customers are increasing in diversity and sophistication and we must maintain a sustained effort if we are to continue to satisfy those needs. Our overriding objective is continuous improvement of environmentally friendly products while maximizing customer satisfaction.
ISO14001 (Environmental Management Systems)
Environmental Philosophy
Recognizing the achievement of a balance with the global environment as one of the most important challenges facing all humankind, Nihon Superior is committed to accomplishing its goals by keeping considerations of global environmental preservation always at the forefront of its business activities.
Recognizing the achievement of a balance with the global environment as one of the most important challenges facing all humankind, Nihon Superior is committed to accomplishing its goals by keeping considerations of global environmental preservation always at the forefront of its business activities.
Environmental Policies
Given our role as a manufacturer and seller of metal-joining materials, Nihon Superior undertakes to give practical expression to our environmental philosophy in the following way.
Given our role as a manufacturer and seller of metal-joining materials, Nihon Superior undertakes to give practical expression to our environmental philosophy in the following way.
●We will strive to reduce the burden our activities place on the environment by.
Making the most efficient use of, where possible, recycled natural resources.
Expanding sales of environmental products.
Developing energy conservation Minimizing waste.
●We will establish environmental targets and goals in each of these areas. We will conduct reviews based on the results of internal audits to the extent technically and economically possible.
●We will observe relevant environmental regulations and standards as well as the other guidelines to which our company adheres. Also, we will strive to control environmentally hazardous materials and prevent environmental pollution.
●We will actively participate in environmental education activities and promote interaction with the local community.
●We will develop and firmly establish an environmental management system, and continuously improve the system by conducting periodic environmental audits.
●We will control the environmentally hazardous substances and prevent environmental pollution.
●We will keep all the employees and those who work for Nihon Superior informed of this environmental philosophy by documenting it and we will release it to outside company as well.
Tetsuro Nishimura,
President Nihon Superior Co., Ltd.

Environmental Activities
Maintaining the balance between Society and the global environment
Maintaining the balance between Society and the global environment
From home electronics to high-tech industries, Nihon Superior makes products that play an important role in a wide range of sectors. We define “high quality” as more than just a commitment to offering the most sophisticated metal-joining technologies. We are also committed to making the world a better place by creating products that are environmentally friendly.
Achievements like the ISO 14001 certification of all of our Japanese locations and the development of our lead-free solder NSe-SOLDER Series speak to level of our commitment to environmental preservation.
Nihon Superior will continue to develop new metal-joining technologies, striving always to find the ultimate balance between a healthy environment and the most advanced technologies.
We have reviewed the way we collect, treat, and refine dross, and ensure that it can be reused and recycled.
ISO/IATF Certification
Domestic Bases
Nihon Superior was certified to the Environmental Management Standard ISO14001 in 2002 and has since been recertified to ISO14001:2015.
Nihon Superior was certified to the Quality Management Standard ISO9001 in 2004.
Environmental Management Systems
(ISO14001)Registration date :21 August 2002
Registration Number :EC02J0128
Certifying organization :Japan Audit and Certification Organization for Environment and Quality (JACO)
Registration basis :Head Office, Tokyo Sales Office, Nagoya Sales Office, Tsuyama Office, Toyonaka Office, R&D Office -
Quality Management Systems
(ISO9001)Registration date :26 August 2004
Registration Number :QC04J0095
Certifying organization :Japan Audit and Certification Organization for Environment and Quality (JACO)
Registration basis :Head Office, Tokyo Sales Office, Nagoya Sales Office, Tsuyama Factory, Osaka Distribution Center, R&D Center, Toyonaka Factory
Environmental Management Systems
(ISO14001 : 2015)Registration date :30 July 2004
Registration Number :11184-E
Certifying organization :KIWA Cermet Italia S.p.A -
Quality Management Systems
(ISO9001 : 2015)Registration date :3 September 2004
Registration Number :11184-A
Certifying organization :KIWA Cermet Italia S.p.A -
Quality Management system of the Automotive
company(IATF 16949 : 2016)Registration date :11 May 2018
Registration Number :11184-T
Certifying organization :KIWA Cermet Italia S.p.A
Environmental Management Systems
(IISO14001 : 2015)Registration date :5 Feb 2007
Registration Number :C2017-03771
Certifying organization :UKAS -
Quality Management Systems
(ISO9001 : 2015)Registration date :24 December 2005
Registration Number :C2017-03772
Certifying organization :UKAS
Environmental Management Systems
(ISO14001 : 2015)Registration date :9 December 2010
Registration Number :U16E2SZ681058R2S
Certifying organization :Guardian Independent Certification Ltd -
Quality Management Systems
(ISO9001 : 2015)Registration date :7 December 2010
Registration Number :U16Q2SZ681771R2S
Certifying organization :Guardian Independent Certification Ltd