Product Information

NS Oxide-Free Solder Cream

NS Oxide Free Solder Paste is combined to be able to be used in every type of application, used in the following conditions with regard to metal alloy composition (Table Ⅰ), flux (Table Ⅱ), grain dimension (Table Ⅲ), viscosity/flux content (Table Ⅳ) and powder grain type (Table Ⅴ). Moreover, we can also supply paste that is suitable for use with BGA/CSP implementation.

Labeling Method

Metal Alloy Composition (TableⅠ)

Metal Alloy Reference Composition Melting Point(°c)
Melting Point(°c)
SN63 Sn-Pb 183 183 Conventional Use
SN820 Sn-Pb-Ag 285 296 High-Temperature Solder
SN515 Sn-Pb-Ag 296 301 High-Temperature Solder
Please feel free to contact us should have any inquiries regarding other metal alloys not listed here.
With regard to metal alloy impurities, the above data is concurrent with JISZ 3282 A-class standards.

Flux Type (Table Ⅱ)

Category Reference Applications & features Application method (M) Application method (D)
Activated rosin (RA) RA-943 Good wetting, prevents bridging and ball formation. Compatible with rapid heating.
Activated rosin (RA) RA-86K For washing AK225 -
RMA M-293T High viscosity, strong tackiness, highly active
RMA M-10A Compatible with 0.4-mm pitch printing. Facilitates reprinting after leaving the processed printed boards. -
RMA M-12A Compatible with 0.4-mm pitch printing. Provides long-term (24-hour) adhesion. Good wetting. -
RMA-6 Compatible with 0.4-mm pitch and CSP printing. Prevents dripping during heating, as well as aging. Compatible with centrifugal mixers. -
RMA M-100A Good fillet wetting. Provides long-term adhesion. -
RMA M-110A Compatible with fine pattern, BGA, and CSP printing. -
For non-washing, mild, activated rosin dispensers RMA M-21 Designed exclusively for dispensers. Can be used under temperature control at 35°C. Reduces spattering and is compatible with rapid heating. -
For non-washing, mild, activated rosin dispensers RMA H-1 Designed exclusively for dispensers. Good dispensing stability. Compatible with rapid heating. -
Application method  M : metal mask  D : dispenser 
○ : Can be applied  △ : Can be applied under certain conditions  - : Cannot be applied
Note : Each dedicated diluent for solder cream is classified as a Class III petroleums of Class IV hazardous materials and thus requires careful handling.

Grain Dimension (Table Ⅲ)

Reference Grain Dimension (μm) Application JIS Classification
UF 25 to 10 CSP/Dispensers -
SF 38 to 10 Fine Pitch/Dispensers Applies to S-5
F 45 to 20 0.4 Pitch/Dispensers Applies to S-4
A 53 to 25 0.5 Pitch/Dispensers S-3
AB 63 to 38 0.65 Pitch S-3
B 75 to 53 0.8 Pitch/Dispensers Applies to S-2
AQ 63 to 20 0.4 Pitch/Fine-Rough Pitch Mixture -

Viscosity /Flux Content (Table Ⅳ)

Reference Viscosity at 25°c
Brookfield (10,000cps)
Viscosity at 25°c
Malcolm (Pa/S)
Flux Content
M 80~100 150~250 9.0~13%
D 30~60 40~100 11.0~14.5%
Using the Brookfield RVT Type Viscosity Meter, the spindle (T-F type) is rotated at 5rpm and these conditions are maintained as the helipath stand is lowered. The values shown are recorded after two minutes of the horizontal bar on the spindle first coming into contact with the paste.

Using a Spindle Sensor Viscosity Meter manufactured by Malcolm, the spindle is rotated at 10rpm and values are taken three to five minutes after the commencement of spindle rotation.

Grain Shape (Table Ⅴ)

Reference Shape Configuration Application
n/a Atomized Granules Conventional Use
Q Spherical For Use with Dispensers / Fine Pitch